Buy all 43 Excel workbooks used in this book. Below is a list of the Excel workbook files that are included in this download.
- 100% Stacked Bar
- 100% Stacked Area
- Area Chart
- Band Chart
- Bar Chart
- Baseline Delta Chart
- Box Whisker Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Clustered Column Chart
- Clustered Stacked Column Chart
- Column Chart
- Combination Chart
- Cycle Plot
- Diverging Bar Chart
- Diverging Stacked Bar Chart
- Doj Makeover
- Dot Plot
- Dumbbell Plot
- Floating Bar Chart
- Formatting Disaster Final
- Gauge Chart
- Heatmap
- Histogram
- Line Chart
- Lollipop Graph
- Map Chart
- Pareto Chart
- Pictograph
- Pie Chart
- Pivot Table
- Radar Chart
- Scatter Plot
- Slope Chart
- Small Multiples
- Sparklines
- Stacked Area Chart
- Stacked Column
- Stock Chart
- Sunburst Chart
- Table Formatted
- Treemap
- Waterfall Chart
Workbooks can include the following sheets:
- Raw Data: If this data was pulled from a publicly available source, a link to the source data is also included.
- Pivot Table: If the chart uses a pivot table to restructure the data, the pivot table is included in its own worksheet.
- Massaged Data: If the data is manipulated or filtered in some way, it may be on its own sheet.
- Chart: Sometimes raw data is included in this sheet. (I explain in the book why I do this for the sake of the book but would NEVER combine raw data with my chart in real life.) And sometimes multiple charts are included in this worksheet.